CoIntelPro Attack From Linda4444–Blog Made Defunct/Evidence of Prior Chemical Attack

For the record, my other blog has been censored and  everything has been removed except some of the posts.  I am being targeted for threatening to expose Linda and, when you do that, you’re going pay.  I’m paying and documenting.

My other blog is and you can read about me there on the blog that I started January 2012.  The last few years of my story are written in the beginning and can be accessed by Category.  I also research and publish articles on mind control and the NWO and spiritual warfare.

*Edit 6/12/14, 9:00 pm, I spent the day putting this blog back together and am just now finishing. Someone came through and removed everything but the posts.  It is now nearly restored to its pre-censored condition–I hope.


I am exposing Linda4444 on Talkshoe Targeted Individual Calls as a disinformation agent and as a lying mind controlling manipulator.

Linda has been on a disinformation, slander and attack campaign against me ever since I began exposing her.  She has threatened me verbally and in all caps in a  chatroom telling me that I messed with the wrong person.

If I am killed because of exposing Linda4444, make sure that you read all of my blog and research all of the information that I am putting out there about DISINFORMATION AGENTS and LINDA.

The last time that I exposed Linda on the “newsguy2005″ show on 9/23/13,  7 days later I had a severe chemical poisoning attack.  COINCIDENCE OR PUNISHMENT for putting this link into newsguy2005′s chatroom:

Linda is a government info gathering CoIntelPro disinformation agent that is on all of Talkshoe Targeted Individual calls and in every chatroom.  She has done everything within her power to bully me, lie about me, discredit me, threaten me, and then some as you can see.

Please spread the word and know that I  have never lied and can prove all of my accusations against Linda.  Also, Linda KNOWS that I am NOT those people who are writing disgusting things on Talkshoe chats.  This I can prove when I do a show exposing the truth of this situation.

Although I told Linda and wrote in her chatroom that I would never divulge her personal information in exposing her, she has waged a fierce PsyOp disinformation campaign against me, with desperate lies and slander . Please connect the dots, do the research and KNOW that if I disappear or am further harmed and poisoned and censored, it is indeed the Big Brother connections of Linda4444.
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